XF-11 Quick Tips
Here are some tips to help you get the hang of the Flying Fries XF-11 for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Left Console
Most of the switches and systems are located on the left console. Here is a quick tour:

In addition, you have other controls:
- Mixture and Throttle levers: above the fuel area
- Flaps lever: below the elevator trim
- Cowl flaps:below the lights area
- Prop pitch control levers: Between console and seat
Fuel Selectors: ideal
The five fuel selector knobs give you a lot of freedom and redundancy. Here is the default configuration:

Note that the center tank and center fuel pumps are not used in this standard setup.
Quick start-up
Don't hesitate to take a look at the in-game checklists for detailed and guided procedures. But here is a very quick
start-up guide from cold and dark:
Battery | ON |
Nav Lights | ON |
Fuel Selectors | AS SEEN ABOVE |
Fuel Pumps | AS SEEN ABOVE |
Mixtures | L+R: FULL FORWARD |
Throttles | L+R: IDLE |
Prop pitch | L+R: FULL FORWARD |
Magnetos | L+R: BOTH |
Left Primer | PRESS AND HOLD 2S |
Left Starter | ON |
Right Primer | PRESS AND HOLD 2S |
Right Starter | ON |
Generators | ON |
Avionics | ON |
Access door | CLOSED |
Reference speeds
Speeds are indicated in knots, for a standard atmosphere, at sea level, with no wind and 50% fuel:
VFE / Max speed flaps extended | 220 |
VGE / Max speed gears extended | 200 |
VNO / Max normal operation speed | 340 |
VNE / Max never exceed speed | 365 |
VS / Stall speed - flaps retracted | 95 |
VS1 / Stall speed - flaps extended | 75 |
VX / Best angle of climb | 120 |
VY / Best rate of climb | 160 |