Welcome to the very small and crazy regional airport of Lagleygeolle.
These two chaotic and intersecting runways are located in the center of France, on the top of a small hill in the Corrèze department. In reality, it's only a microlight airport, but some experienced pilots come here with their Cap-10 or DR-400. Now, you can also try it in Microsoft Flight Simulator and even feel audacious with a Bonanza or even bigger aircraft, if you dare.
- MS Flight Simulator 2020: native build
- MS Flight Simulator 2024: not tested
Released on: 2022-05-09
Version: 1.1
Get it now!
- Custom, colored lighting all across the airfield.
- Custom buildings, fences, and other objects.
- For challenging helicopter landings: custom mobile helipads with night lighting.
- And if you're hungry or even bolder: try to land on Lord Frites' food truck!